"I should probably get going," Maureen told me.
"Get going? Is the date over already? It's only... what time is it?"
"It's only two. What's wrong with that?"
"I told Debbie I'd be back tonight," Maureen said. "I should call. I hope she's not staying up."
Maureen set her hand on the receiver and then paused. "What if she's asleep?"
"I don't see why you should have to go back tonight anyway. I'm not such a bad guy."
"Not bad."
"What do you mean 'not bad'?" I said, surprised.
"Well, I didn't know that before."
"You don't know that now, either."
"Then why are you trying to convince me?"
"Anyone can try to convince you they're not a bad guy! That's what every jerk does."
"Well, at least you're not any type of threat. I should call Debbie and tell her I'm staying. I don't feel like trekking back to Brooklyn."
"Tell her if she wants to be so involved she should have showed up two hours ago with a change of clothes. Why am I not a threat?"
"Orion!," Maureen squealed, pushing her face close to mine. "I didn't mean it like that, honey."
"You think just because I had an episode in the hallway--"
"Hey, look buster, I've been waiting around all night for you to take advantage of me. It's getting late and I'm tired."
"Well, how am I supposed to take advantage of you, anyway? I have to be in a position of advantage. We have to create some kind handicap for you."
"Do you want to tie one arm behind my back?"
"I mean a financial advantage."
"In that case I should be taking advantage of you."
"I wish you would hurry up. I'm about to pass out over here."
"I'll call Debbie. I hope she's not already asleep."