Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Things bring us together

Because there's really nothing entertaining about me, on a given day, after any o'clock AM, the whole PM side of things can look pretty grim if you just, like, experience it and shit. That is why I prefer "a measure of something fermented," to quote from BusinessWeek's editorial on the fundamental human needs which a bin Laden-style Islamic caliphate could never supply. True that, my resource-extracting betters! If the planet must submit the scope of its biodiversity to a single organizing idea, might it at least be one in which alcohol is free to fulfill its exalted role? Even the communists had that much figured out: for them, banning God was more realistic.

In my household this only resolves half the problem, however, owing to an aversion shown by my partner to my choice of fine, high-quality, excellent and affordable boxed wine. And since Socratic dialogue over dinner only excels when both parties are trashed, perhaps it was only a matter of time before one or another mode of televised entertainment was regarded as a plausible means to "laugh at the same time" -- as someone once explained humor to me -- well into the evening hours.


Jack Crow said...

My wife, too, is a liquorist. As I am not, we have the telly and chilluns about which to hold forth in discourse.

Anonymous said...

"...if you just, like, experience it and shit."

I like that phrasing.

I find people are more expansive in a positive way under the influence of cannabinoids, and that liquor tends to inflame people's ire. Maybe I know too many mean drunks?

Brian M said...

mea culpa. I am a major wine snob. (Not cost based, I'm a member of the anti-flavor europeanized wine elite) The whole over-intellectualizing fetishizing thing. On the other hand, becoming a wine snob has ameliorated my profoundly antisocial tendencies and allows me to listen to good live local music, so there are good things associated with that.