Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Save yourselves

If management suspects you of arriving to the job sober, for God's sake don't let on that you're also dependable.


George Jones said...

indeed. I find it best to manifest some mild flaw early on, so the bossmen don't come to rely on you and start calling you in on Saturday night with no warning whatsoever.

Oddly, some of my bosses seem to respect a certain amount of resistance to their (of course very polite) requests.

Anonymous said...

who the fuck shows up to work sober?

Randal Graves said...

If I'm driving I do. That's what flasks in the desk are for.

Hester Prynne said...

My slave drivers actually had a meeting one day, they told us that if we were drinking to just call out and not show up drunk. Then it turned into 3 unexcused absences and a write up or terminated. I was the only one there who wasn't getting high or drinking and they cut my hours and now I can't afford to drink. The people who are stoned or drinking didn't get their hours cut. should have kept a bottle in the cubicle!