from Z Magazine
Hitler took note of Native Americans, indigenous people of the Americas, specifically within the area of the U.S. and Canada. He used the treatment of native people, the policies and processes that were imposed upon them, as a model for what he articulated as being Lebensraumpolitik, the politics of living space. In essence, Hitler took the notion of a drive from east to west, clearing the land as the invading population went and resettling it with Anglo-Saxon stock, primarily, as a model by which he drove from west to east into Russia, displacing, relocating, dramatically shifting or liquidating populations to clear the land and replace it with what he called "superior breeding stock," meaning Germanic peoples. It was essentially the same process, and he was very conscious of the fact that he was basing his policies in the prior experience of the Anglo-American population, or Nordic population, as he called it, in the area north of the Rio Grande River.
1 comment:
Kind of like fire ants or the Borg on Star Trek:TNG.
My brother sent me an email the other day. It was a passage about Stalin, but he left out names and some events and made it a fill-in-the-blank. I filled it in with Bush and Hitler, because that was who it reminded me of.
Tyrrants seem to follow consistent trends, but also the public seems to be viulnerable the same way with tyrrants. The point of the essay was that the public was tolerating things from Stalin, because he was the good ole boy that everyone could identify with.
It's kind of sad that people would prefer the mediocre leader. They were saying in some article that Clinton had been a teacher in college for a while. Why did he hide it? Because it's bad politcs to be seen as an academic. heck, you might know something. Suppsedly that was what hung Stevenson two races in a row.
So is Bush stupid, or does he just play the role very well in order to appeal to dumbbutts who are anti-intellectual? Nothing they do seems to be accidental.
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