Sunday, July 04, 2004


Corporate censorship is just as dangerous as government censorship, you know, and self-censorship can be the most insidious form of pulling punches. Pressures to go along, to get along, or to place the needs of advertisers or companies above the public's need for reliable information distort a free press and threaten democracy itself.

- Walter Cronkite

1 comment:

Sheryl said...

Did you peak in on that FCC court case in Philadelphia? That must have been exciting having such an important decision being decided in your city.

We had one of those FCC Localized Hearings here in San Antonio this year, and there were lines all around the block of pissed off citizens coming to give Michael Powell a piece of their mind. :)

The hearings started at 4PM and people were still testifying at about 11PM. It was great! And we were mad!! And what was even cooler was that the audience knew which commissioners were on their side. Michael Copps got a few standing ovations when he spoke and Michael Powell was booed several times. Powell had some propaganda prepared, but the crowd was not impressed. I've never seen so many people that mad and ready to stand up and say something about it. The line to testify lopped all around the auditorium.