Monday, July 05, 2004

"This is a film that doesn't require us to actually view it to know that it's filled with factual inaccuracies."

- White House spokesman Dan Bartlett


Anonymous said...

Katie says:

Ryan, when a girl is isolated in a remote cabin without even a radio, left to ponder her broken heart and the meaning of her existance, boy it sure is nice to mosey to the internet cafe and read your illuminating weblog.

hugs to you!!!

Sheryl said...

Wouldn't it be funny if he actually did that?!!!!!

"There's lots of disagreement with my analysis of these facts or my opinion based on the facts. But," he insists, "there is not a single factual error in the movie. I'm thinking of offering a $ 10,000 reward for anyone that can find a single fact that's wrong."