Friday, December 10, 2004

Inventing a Crisis

from The New York Times
There's nothing strange or mysterious about how Social Security works: it's just a government program supported by a dedicated tax on payroll earnings, just as highway maintenance is supported by a dedicated tax on gasoline...

But since the politics of privatization depend on convincing the public that there is a Social Security crisis, the privatizers have done their best to invent one.


Sheryl said...

Social Security , the whole government, the nation, the planet--it's all threatened so long as we have idiots in control of the purse strings.

Chris Woods said...

I'm glad Paul Krugman came back from vacation to write these columns. All Americans need to know the lies the Bush Regime is touting off about Social Security, just like their lies about Iraq.

Sheryl said...


You think the folks who read the NY Times had any doubts? I wish I was joking, but alas I just dount that the Krugman readers are the ones who need to be reached. :(