Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Jackson Lambasts Corporate Consultants in Kerry Campaign; Press Coverage Disappears

from Common Dreams
Yesterday, on CNN's Inside Politics, Jesse Jackson delivered a blistering attack on the Kerry campaign for running away from the Democratic base and the issues it cares about. Jesse cited, among other things a daylong West Virginia Rainbow/labor "Invest in America" jobs rally at which Jesse spoke at yesterday, that he said drew 30,000 folks with a raft of entertainers like Willie Nelson and Judy Collins.. Jesse was furious that Kerry had ducked the rally, even though he was campaigning only 30 miles away. Jesse sneered at the inadequacy of the Kerry campaign's much-publicized "shakeup" and its whitebread, retread Clintonista imports, snarling that "it can't be just a vanilla shake."


Sheryl said...

John Kerry actually does have a record in office that we can examine.

This quote is from the Center of Public Integrity, along with a comprehensive list of lobbyists Kerry has met with since 1989:

"These ranged from meetings with core Democratic groups, such as the Children's Defense Fund and AARP, to environmental advocates such as the League of Conservation Voters, the Natural Resources Defense Council, the Sierra Club, and the Humane Society, to leaders in fields close to Senator Kerry's heart, such as the Disabled American Veterans. Close to a quarter of Kerry's meetings were with labor unions and other representatives of American workers, including the AFL-CIO, AFSCME, SEIU, the American Federation of Teachers, the National Education Association, the International Association of Fire Fighters, the Fraternal Order of Police, the United Auto Workers, and others.

Senator Kerry has met with a broad range of public interest groups, including Public Citizen, Common Cause, and USPIRGs, and numerous civil rights organizations, notably the ACLU and the Human Rights Campaign.. He has also taken time to meet with business leaders both national and local -- including high-tech leaders such as Microsoft, Intel, IBM, and Cisco Systems, and Massachusetts firms such as Raytheon." wish that Nader supporters and someone like Jesse Jackson would decide what kind of world they want to live in. They know what damage Bush has done, and yet they persist at attacking Kerry. If they only put that kind of effort into attacking Bush, then maybe we could get somewhere.

I have been researching Kerry's record, and I am of the opinion that he is on the right side of the force. I have also looked at Bush's record and he is on the dark side of the force.

One of these two men will be the next President of the United States and decide world policy for the next four years. Maybe as liberals we should decide which one we want to be and start making it happen.

gecko said...

picture me trying real hard to avoid posting a "John, I am your Father" joke:-)