Thursday, September 16, 2004

Pentagon Contracts w/ Another Lemon

from The New York Times
A Pentagon contractor that has been entrusted with handling the unsealed absentee ballots of military and civilian voters overseas was sued two years ago by a Tennessee business that accused it of fabricating information and other fraudulent behavior involving an overdue bill, according to federal court records.


Sheryl said...

Sounds a little bit like the consulting firm that created the felons lists in Florida. Just how many ways can you rig an election?

This is why Bush figures he doesn't need to debate Kerry, because the whole election is going to be rigged by farming everything out to "independent" firms, whether that be collecting votes or writing voting machine code that determines the outcome.

You know, it's not really about an election anymore. It's about deciding what we are going to do when they steal their way into office once more. Are we going to just sit back and pretend it didn't happen again?

gecko said...

I've been voting absentee for several years now. I have never heard of such a thing as faxing voted ballots. The FVAP site has all the information you need. In Chapter 3 of the Voting Guide under Virginia:

* Virginia does not allow you to return the voted ballot by fax.

I tell ya, you need to check up on these print news outlets. Isn't the NYTimes where that guy that made up stories used to work?