Monday, November 08, 2004

November 5, 2004
Via fax: 603-271-6316

To The Secretary of State of New Hampshire:

The Nader/Camejo campaign requests a hand recount of the ballots in the presidential election in New Hampshire. Numerous voting rights activists have requested that we seek a recount of this vote.

We have received reports of irregularities in the vote reported on the AccuVote Diebold Machines in comparison to exit polls and trends in voting in New Hampshire. These irregularities favor President George W. Bush by 5% to 15% over what was expected. Problems in these electronic voting machines and optical scanners are being reported in machines in a variety of states.

We are requesting that the state undertake this recount or a statistically significant sample audit of these vote counts.

We would like to make sure every vote counts and is counted accurately.


Ralph Nader


Sheryl said...

Nice start, but to save us he has to do it for Ohio as well.

Now we get to see if Nader is a complete idealogue or purely a politician. If he limits his advocacy to New Hampshire, then he's only looking out for Nader. If the Ohio tallies are questionable, then they too must be challenged.

Sheryl said...

Hey Ryan,

Just for the record, New Hampshire was a blue state, which makes it even more telling if Nader challenges New Hampshire but not Ohio.

I don't think he was ever on our side. I think he sold ages ago. But I could be wrong. I'll still hold out for a miracle. My friend Bill forwarded the message on.
