Saturday, November 13, 2004

Progress in Falluja

from Under the Same Sun
Whoever is allowing the marines or any American soldiers "rest" on that "plush red carpet" with their shoes, uniforms and machines guns is insane. Does anyone understand anything about religious feelings in general or about Islam in particular? Have they spent even half a day watching a documentary or two about Islam and noticed that people carefully and respectfully take their shoes off before entering a mosque, where they will kneel and put their head on that carpet? (Those "plush red carpets", by the way, are prayer rugs, or"sajjade." And you don't step on them with your combat boots, especially inside a mosque, and smile for the cameras unless you really want to fight to the death with up to a billion people.)


Anonymous said...

White infidel rides again! Of all the places to take shelter, let's visit the one that most inflames the populace! Also of note, on the front page of the NYTimes, Sat 11/13, there are 2 very interesting articles together which illustrate the great irony at work here. One article discusses the Global Information Gateway (GIG) envisioned by the Pentagon to fight the amorphous threat of terrorism using a hi-tech internet for the battle field soldier. To the left, an article describes how Marines in the Falluja assault have been killed by the most diabolical of amorphous terrorist tactics...dressing up as Marines. I’m sure satellite intelligence on palm pilots to the tune of $8 bil or more will help address that dastardly deed. Hi-ho Rummy and away!

Sheryl said...

You know the "Department of Peace" Kucinich suggested always sounded like just one more bureaucracy to me, but maybe it wouldn't hurt for promoting peace if there was at least a Department of Cultural Sensitivity. Or at least training in such things. But then I guess that would be seen as liberal pansy political correctness. Might actually undermine anger towards our troops---wouldn't want that.

Better to piss everyone off, so we can justify more war expenses there and elsewhere as well. Meanwhile, our country goes deeper into finacial doo doo to pay for it all. Cause living in a third world hell has always been the American Dream. Just remember--it's the christian thing to do. :(

J.R. Boyd said...

The most advanced military in the world can't successfully occupy a nation that doesn't even have an army, and the solution is a missile defense shield and "a laptop in every humvee?" It's the sort of wealth expenditure that could be used to reconstitute the American middle class, and give the United States a minimum standard of living exponentially beyond anything in the world. But after a century of anti-government propaganda we're convinced spending money on ourselves is oppressive, while transferring it to American corporations for weapons we don't need is necessary and wise.

Sheryl said...

"The funny thing about building up weapons is that, every once in a while, they actually need to be used to justify the expense."

Very true, but could the military be convinced to fire on the White House?

Sheryl said...

Oh sorry. I didn't mean that! Where are my angel wings when I need them to look sweet and innocent?

Sheryl said...


Sheryl said...