from The New York Times
Most of the protesters will find more comfortable lodging than the guests of Casa del Sol, an unfinished building in the Mott Haven section of the Bronx whose ownership is in dispute, and where squatters have taken up residence. They have posted notice that they can accommodate 70 people--in rooms with no air--conditioning or hot water, on floors covered in sawdust.Also:
Anarchists Emerge as the Convention's Wild Card
Police Show They're Ready for Convention Disorder
New Yorkers May Flee for Convention
1 comment:
What an experience that is going to be. It already looks surreal, and it hasn't even started.
I always do the youth hostel thing when I travel, but the idea of shacking up with some strangers in a deserted house sounds like it could be interesting. (Haight Ashbury revisted.)
On the other hand, I don't always connect with neo-hippies. Liberal as I am, I still don't feel comfortable around impulsive people, which a lot of radicals are. I don't mind the pot or funky music or whatever.
I just feel weird around people when I know they would be rebelling even if there wasn't anything real to rebel about. It's especially unnerving when there really is so much to rebel about.
It's kind of scary how the police are arming up like that. I doubt it's all for "terrorists." Just be very careful, Ryan. Bear in mind that the Republicans are starting to run scared, because they know that they might not win the election. You can be sure that they are looking for any opportunity to make the left look bad. And they are not adverse to stacking the deck.
I guess you've heard that they sometimes plant agitators in crowds to make the groups look more radical than they are. That's why I usually march in a business suit. I also like to carry a UN flag. I have some extra 4X8 UN flags (if you need one, I'll mail you one.)
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